
Rejoice In Motion is a Health & Wellness Initiative, founded by me, Manasi Anand

I offer one of it’s kind workshops and sessions in Dance Movement Therapy.

Dance Movement Therapy/Psychotherapy is an established form of therapy discovered & established by Marian Chace in the 1940s. Today it is a recognized form of psychotherapy with vibrant and thriving practitioners worldwide.

“My background in Physiotherapy combined with experience & expertise in Dance Movement Therapy offer a unique experience to all the participants & clients.”

The benefits of dance & movement are known to all. At Rejoice in Motion, I believe in using movement in the right manner, to heal and help you achieve good health.

Dance Movement Therapy is a great way to deal with day-to-day stresses as well as to deal with specific issues & traumas. It provides body-based tools and techniques to improve mental & emotional well-being and enhance the holistic health of an individual.

Till date, I have partnered with many prominent organisations and conducted Dance Movement Therapy Sessions for them, including the government organisations like the National University of Singapore, Changi General Hospital & Ministry Of Education Singapore, among others. Also been a panelist on the 4th Mental Health Film Festival Singapore.

The work in the field of Dance Movement Therapy has been recognized by the Centre Of Excellence, UK and I’ve been chosen as a Runner Up for the Outstanding Therapist Award!!

CoE(UK) is an international body & is recognized worldwide as one of the leading online training providers with a community of more than half an million learners.


  • Stress relief
  • Improved Creativity
  • Improved confidence
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved body and mind co-ordination
  • Ability to express yourself freely

The workshops, sessions and consultations are for all age groups, irrespective of gender and with no pre-requisite physical or mental conditions.

I believe in an holistic approach towards health & hence all my programs and sessions are conducted keeping in mind the emotional, physical & mental aspects of every individual. Each workshop and session is individually tailored based on the participant group & their needs and preferences.

I also have more than 25 uniquely designed dance and movement sequences like the ‘Stress-Relief’ sequence, ‘Body Awareness’-sequence, ‘Moving out of the Comfort-zone’ sequence, ‘Inner-Transformation/Phoenix’ sequence & many more! Each of these sequences are designed to specific results in participants & aim to bring out the best in them.

Dance Movement Therapy is an integral part of healing & self transformation, since it uses the body & movement, to heal the mind & improve overall mental & emotional wellness.

Don’t just be in motion; ‘Rejoice In Motion!