
Each of the sessions/programs have touched people in some way. I always value any kind of feedback, for it helps to know where I stand. Throughout my journey I have been constantly improvising and incorporating any suggestions from the participants. Here are some testimonials from participants of my Dance Movement Therapy Workshops & sessions:

I really enjoyed my space while I’m going through the session. Safe spaces were created to allow myself to be connected body and mind. I have difficulty connecting my body and mind for over 10 years. Starting with a weekly session really did help me to reconnect or understand what my body was really looking for. Over a year now, I could better understand what is happening within me and be able to work on myself more efficiently before I get an attack. Thank you Manasi, Rejoice in Motion.– Julie (1:1 DMT Session Participant)

“Wow!! These are such great notes so I can do what I learned from you at home. I feel like you’re making sure I get the most I possibly can from our session, and that makes me feel cared for! I was surprised to find that for days afterwards, (and still today, a little, even) I was holding on to the “positive energy” i created during the stress release technique. It was something I was ready to think about, and the exercises got me to the point of owning that this was something I wanted. So, that was very cool!Thank you so much. I’d love to try another session with you where I can experience other movements and learn how they can impact me emotionally. It was really fascinating to experience that.” – Esther (1:1 DMT Session Participant)

“I had an individual Dance Movement Therapy session with Manasi. I liked her way of doing therapy; it was well-structured and easily understandable. She is empathetic and tuned in to the client’s needs and experiences. At the end of the session I felt empowered and relaxed at the same time. I felt that I had the ability to create my own reality (through thoughts & movement.), it’s colour and its weight. I highly recommend Manasi Iyer’s therapy to everybody.” – Alla (1: 1 DMT Session Participant)

I feel very relaxed. More importantly, I feel very loved by myself (self-love) and it feels great!”- Participant of workshop faciliated for Babes Pregnancy Camp

“Thank you for the session and for structuring it so clearly with takeaways for each segment. It was very interesting! You radiated lots of joyful energy, which I appreciate!” – Ivy (Participant of In-Person DMT Workshop in Singapore)

“I turned 50 this year and have realised I have been living in fear far too long. I have always loved to dance, just never have, hide myself. So this was really an experiment, to find myself. Thank you for this. you were just too good.” – 1:1 DMT Session Client

“Here are my two major key takeways: 1) I learnt new techniques of grounding, that are really helpful & easy to follow. 2) Your method has helped me to connect to my spiritual self better, as I can feel if from my core, instead of simply visualizing.” – Muliana Jaz (Participant of Online DMT Workshop)

“Thanks Manasi, the notes are great to remember the activities- love the little illustrations!” – Rachael (Participant of In-Person Workshop in Singapore)

“It was a wonderful and enriching experience, where we not only enjoyed each part of the workshop but also understood the science behind it. It was mesmerizing experience while we got the opportunity to achieve and experience emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration. This workshop helped us with stress reduction & mood management. in the lockdown pandemic situation. Looking forward for more of these sessions! “- Sukanya (Participant of Online DMT Workshop)

“Thank you so much for your energy!” – Manon. Participant of In-Person DMT Program

“Thank you for facilitating & sharing. I have actually even followed your eventbrite page for long. Happy to join in your sessions. The sessions were a perfect balance of guided teaching & creative freedom. I miss your sessions already!” – YanLing, Workshop facilitator & Meditation Guide @anchor.fm/Estela-Kanoviya Participant of Online DMT Program

“Hi Manasi, thank you so much for such awesome and insightful sessions. Felt connected & content. Keep smiling. :)” – Dr. Vineeta (Participant of Online DMT Program)

“I felt relaxed & be myself throughout the dance movement session. Athough initially I follow the instructor movement I feel stiffness from certain parts of my body but later through the emotional vent out, I felt relieved.” – member of H.O.P.E Alliance Singapore

“When we took turns to lead in dancing, I found myself expressing freely with dance movements opnely in this safe sapce, something which I could only do so in the past behind the costume as a mascot.”- member of H.O.P.E Alliance Singapore. 

“It is easy to express my feeling at a safe place like just now.” – member of H.O.P.E Alliance Singapore. 

“Very good & relaxing. Very calming. After the session, like all negative energy is gone. Feel more positive, the instructor is very patient in teaching & sensitive to others words & emotions. Very encouraging. “- member of H.O.P.E Alliance Singapore. 

“Thank you very much for today’s Dance Movement Therapy session. It has impacted my life & well being. It has been the best day of my life & I am very emotional. I am indeed very grateful.” – member of H.O.P.E Alliance Singapore.

“Thank you, your dance therapy is very good!“- AWWA Foundation team

Thank you, I like your lessons!”- AWWA Foundation team

Souvenirs by AWWA Foundation Team