5 ways Dance Movement Therapy Can Improve Your Life
Dance Movement Therapy is much more than dancing. It is about using dance and movement to improve your life in various areas. Dance and movement therapy is a recognized creative modality utilized with individuals of various ages, gender, class, race, ethnicity and ability.
Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) or Dance Movement Psychotherapy is a niche form of Psychotherapy and a part of Expressive Arts Therapy. Dance Movement Therapy provides you healthy tools to cope with life issues and uses movement for healing.
Here are 5 ways it can help:
- Better Mind-Body Connection
The Mind-Body connection is not a one-way street where the mind controls the body. The mind-body connection is a two-way street where the body also influences the mind. The body sends cues to the brain, in order to convey certain emotions or thoughts. Dance Movement Therapy uses body & movement to heal the mind, thereby enhancing the mind-body connection.
2. Better connection with yourself
Dance Movement Therapy helps to deepen the connection with yourself. Often, we are too caught up with what is happening in our external environment. Hence we miss our connecting with ourselves and being aware of our thoughts, emotions & body. DMT helps you connect better with yourself, thereby facilitating healing and enhancing inner strength.
3. Healing trauma and releasing stress
Because DMT helps in enhancing mind-body connection & your connection with yourself, it thereby helps in resolving trauma and releasing pent up emotions & strength.
4. Increases body-awareness
Body awareness is the ability to recognize your body in space. DMT focuses on body awareness & helps reduce tension & guarded movements to increase sensory-motor awareness & locomotor control.
5. Increased creativity & imagination Improved confidence & self-esteem
Dance Movement Therapy is a part of Expressive Arts Therapy & thus provides a great outlet for unleashing inner creativity of a person. Also, as the mind-body connection improves via movement, so does a person’s self-esteem and confidence.
At Rejoice In Motion, our specially developed Stress Relief Dance Sequence & our guided body awareness techniques have proven to be path breaking & have provided great results. To know more about our upcoming workshops and 1-1 sessions, do reach out to us at rejoiceinmotion@gmail.com
Cedric Noronha
Very good post about 5 ways dance movement therapy. Highly informative and nicely written. Keep up the good work.